Our Commitment & Activity
Nationwide Management Services approaches Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) passionately, and we challenge our practices on a regular basis, to ensure they are continuing to deliver on our promise, to engage positively with all stakeholders, ethically and with integrity for our community.
The business works extremely hard to ensure its values are aligned with all CSR activity, which is designed around the community needs, demonstrating these four values:
1. Commitment
2. Resilience
3. Honesty
4. Integrity
For Nationwide Management Services it is not about 'being seen to be' doing good in the community or merely ticking a box, it is about ingraining a culture of genuine care and commitment to support the people we work with and those in our communities and to build sustainable platforms for others to take forwards and grow.
A continuous flow of activity takes place across the entire business, both within our core business model and within our CSR outreach, delivering services and projects under these three banners:
1. Building Resilience
2. Creating Stronger Communities
3. Protecting the Future
Our Mission
We believe that both our business and the community benefit if we give back to society and at Nationwide Management Services we have carefully considered how we chose to do so.
As a business, we want to remove the barriers that stop people from moving forward positively both in employment and their personal lives. We aim to instil confidence and belief, helping to build their self-esteem, so they can experience a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life.
We feel that every single person has a purpose in their life and should have a chance to rebuild it, creating an independent and secure future for themselves and their families.
Due to an increase in socially excluded individuals in society social responsibility is at the core of all our operations and continues to underpin our strategy for growth.
Key Priorities For Our Activity
The following priorities have been identified as a focus for our activity:
Those deemed disadvantaged, both young and old
Veterans affected by unemployment, crime and substance abuse
Homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless
Long term unemployed
Our Activity In The Community
We sponsor a creative arts training academy, who work with people from all over the region to offer creativity as a tool to engage, inspire, increase confidence and make a change, improving lives through a creative journey.
In support of the academy we offer the following:
• Awareness workshops in stalking, risk assessment and prevention
• Sponsorship – enabling fifty young people to perform at Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
• Project funding and Gala Dinner sponsorship in aid of a creative arts academy, supporting their year-end performance
• Delivery of workshops for wellbeing & safety
In and around the region we support the following:
• Homeless schemes within the city region
• Fundraising for local and national charities
• Sponsorship of two local football teams
• Awareness raising for local and national campaigns
• Reactive ad-hoc support we are made aware of that fits within our CSR capacity
Future aims include working more closely with families across Liverpool focusing on:
• Building resilience in the family
• Providing healthy nutrition guidance
• Educating children & parents about nutrition
• Building pride and life skills
• Empowering parents
• Protecting future generations
• Building trust in the business community
• Giving people access to the business community without barriers
Our Activity In The Workplace
We spend time listening and learning from all of our employees and have responded by implementing the following:
• Delivery of bespoke confidence and resilience packages to socially excluded families
• Free training for socially excluded ex-veterans in guarding services
• Working with agencies to assist individuals exiting the justice system
• Two outreach workers employed to support our workforce
• Counselling and key support services as part of employment package
• Free education and training inc. ESOL
• Career advice and guidance for young people
• Work experience placements for under 18’s
• Business mentoring support
As a business, we are always seeking out like-minded organisations that are interested in working as partners to support our CSR activity. We look for those with a passion and drive to give back and who see the change needed to create a happier and healthier community for everyone.
If you are interested in becoming a City of Liverpool Security Manegement CSR partner, in support of our local communities please contact